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Zebra Designer 2 Free Software Download Updated FREE

Zebra Designer 2 Free Software Download

Why software design is important?


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@ drodil

Heikki Hellgren

When starting to work on a new projection, developers tend to bound straight into programming. And that'due south ok — it'south their job after all. But sometimes it might exist good idea to jump on the breaks and outset with some software designing.

Software design can exist done with several unlike ways. It can exist done utilizing some software using some modeling language, such as UML, it tin be written text and images or information technology can fifty-fifty be a cartoon on a whiteboard. Of import hither is that the blueprint tin be saved and revisited during the development of the software — The design will need some refining and then if yous don't desire to always depict the pattern to the whiteboard from scratch, it might exist good thought to stay with digital ways of doing the design. This and how information technology'south done of course depends on your projects needs. Small projects can easily be but drawn or written on a single paper while bigger projects usually tend to change a lot during their lifetime affecting also the software design.

I must admit that I am ane of those persons who like to spring into the lawmaking direct abroad and I oasis't washed and so much software design, at least not very detailed, in my previous projects. Also I have somewhat hated all the hierarchy what software design can introduce to the work at its worst. Of form I take done single component designs fatigued on a whiteboard or to a notebook but nearly of these designs are forgotten and never maintained in one case the code has been completed. During my current position I have learned a lot nigh software design and while there is lot more to learn, I have noticed and would like to share some good things about information technology and why it's of import.


"several wires in audio mixers" by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

You lot should be able to dissever your software into smaller pieces with maybe maximum of 5–x interfaces. These interface "groups" are chosen software components. Primary thought of the software component is to provide a single purpose for the software that is being adult. Example of this would be Game statistics for a Super Mario Bros 3 that is responsible of keeping book of score, lifes and other things needed by the GUI renderer.

When you have a modular software, it's easy to motility or even remove things if needed and even share the blueprint piece of work between multiple developers per software component. Having modularity also increases maintainability by making it easier to find necessary data to edit from the correct component. It can also be footing for your source code namespacing or structure ase well as isolating the exam cases per component.


"grey wrenches" past Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

With good software design it's easier to maintain the software. You tin can spot directly away from the design how much a bug ready or introduction of a new feature will alter the existing code base. As skilful pattern should besides show interactions between software components and their interfaces, information technology will also reveal possible effects of changing code in another component that depends on the one needing the change. Working especially with old code bases that do non have any software blueprint tin can be very painful and cause many unexpected bugs.

When doing the blueprint I take noticed a lot of unnecessary interfaces that are non actually needed and not requested by the customer. While this kind of things can hands be found from the code, normally no one pays attending to the actress functionality. Actress functionality ways extra maintaining, testing and development. No one actually wants that so one should go on it simple and do what needs to be done, nothing more.


Good software design can exist used to hands pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your software — peculiarly if the pattern is done to the level of that granuality. This means the pattern should tell how your arrangement works internally and how it uses resources such equally threads, database connections and other things that might make a striking to the performance. Sometimes it's very easy to debug or apply some logging functionality to find the bottlenecks from the source code but sometimes the design tin tell it by a single paradigm.

While it'southward skilful to accept detailed software pattern, you should never over-design it. Not every loop or condition needs to be designed — doing that would brand the maintainability of the pattern a living hell as the iterations between blueprint and development goes on. Besides it does not bring any actress value to the developers nor the customers who might run across your software blueprint in a course or some other.


Past including dependencies to other software modules, such as tertiary party libraries, in to your design makes the software much easier to port into another environment. Having these documented in a single place makes it super easy to discover what needs to be changed if using another surround or if information technology tin exist done at all.

Yet over again you might not desire to pattern all function calls to 3rd party software as updating the version or changing the underlaying library would mean total redesign. Hither again, recall to exercise what'south necessary for everyone to understand how the software works.


Generating a design document for your customers from the software pattern is a good idea. It provides them an overview how the software they are about to take into use works. You might need to consider if you want to publish only your public interfaces and exit your internal pattern out of the document equally good design makes information technology possible to very easily write the software from scratch.

The design likewise works as a great starting point for new-comers. Instead of making them await through all the source files you can just betoken them to the software design where they find all data they'll demand to go started.


Usually projects have requirements coming from either a customer or from an internal source. Expert pattern likewise tracks the requirements and proves on the design level that all that is required from a piece of software is actually there and that it'due south understood correctly. This brings fifty-fifty more value to the provided design document as the customers can really see what of their requirements are done and where. To integrate this with source code, some kind of linking between the design, requirements and the source code is more advised.


Blueprint should also provide information what the software deliverables are and where should they exist placed in the deployment. This information is very important for your customers likewise as integration equally they need to know where to look for your library/executable/whatever your software is almost. It makes it easier to spot correct away if the latest commitment is missing some crucial parts of the software by just taking a wait at your design.

What it takes?

"people doing fist bomb" by rawpixel on Unsplash

At present that I accept pointed out some topics why software design is important it'south time to retrieve what it takes. Doing a great software design takes discipline and delivery from the whole team working with the software. Sometimes it takes a lot of iterations to go the design and the software match — even if you are super hero of the figurer age, you might not discover all things earlier you start writing the code. And that's ok, iterations will strengthen the code too as the pattern. Information technology just takes time and some hard work but eventually information technology volition pay off and reduce all kinds of risks with the software. If you don't believe me, try information technology out with your next software project!

Well-nigh me

I am Heikki Hellgren, Software Expert and technology enthusiast working at Elektrobit Automotive. My interests are in software construction, tools, automatic testing and all the new and cool stuff like AI and autonomous driving. You lot can follow me on Medium and Twitter. As well you tin cheque out my website for more information.


# software-development# software-design# software-architecture# why-software-design# why-software

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